
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Girl from Romania

Turn back the hands of time

 Hi guys,

I'm sure all of you remember R Kelly's cheesy song...Well, on Saturday night we were actually able to turn back time (R Kelly, I hope you took the opportunity and went after your darling :P). Two of my friends really knew how to work this change into their advantage and got married on Saturday. Imagine the surprise of some of the wedding guests who seemed to have forgotten that clocks would be turned back at 4 am. They partied hard all night long, and when the time came to finally go home and rest their legs, they checked their watch and saw it was only 3 am...Major deja-vu, but they blamed it on the booze. Funny stuff! Jokes aside, I am beyond happy with this change, as I was getting so tired of those dark mornings...But now I'm facing a different challenge: What will I do with an entire extra hour of my life?!? :)).



Sweater: Zara
Shirt: Mango
Skirt: Depot96
Necklace: Mango
Shoes: Musette
Bag: Batta

It was a very good year for small town girls...

 Puff, and the holidays are over! It’s a sad, sad, situation! On Friday I came back from Bulgaria, where I spent my winter holiday. When we first got to Bansko, we were welcomed by the same foggy, autumnal landscape as in Romania. Not a drop of snow… I was quite disappointed, especially because my holiday was supposed to be all about winter sports…Thankfully, we found enough snow on the slopes (both real and artificial), so everything turned put fine! I fulfilled my goal of learning something new on the snowboard, and on our last day I even succeeded to descend a 7 km slope :D. We spent 6 wonderful days in Bulgaria, snowboarding every single day. On New Year’s Eve, we took our bruised bottoms to dance to one of the many clubs in Bansko, which was full of Romanians.  It felt just like home :P

Holidays are over, and a new year has just begun! No more excuses! It's time for a fresh start and a billion new year’s resolutions.

Looking back at the year that just passed, I can’t complain. I had my loved ones with me, I kept my friends close, we were happy, healthy and joyful, which is all that I wish for 2014. 

Have an amazing year! Be happy!


Dress: Zara
Shoes: Massimo Dutti
Bag: Meli Melo
Headpiece: Promod

Sunny afternoon

 Hi guys,

What a beautiful autumn weekend this was...! The weather was amazing, sunny, quite warm, and it brought this energizing breath of fresh air that made me feel great! On Saturday we had our cousins over for a home cooked dinner and we had a blast, with a little help from our old friend, the red wine :)! They didn't leave until after midnight, so this was a major excuse for us to wake up late on Sunday. This pretty much cured all my frustrations about waking up very early every day, to go to work. It felt really good! The only problem was that after doing some grocery shopping and grabbing a bite to eat, we felt sleepy all over again...It was like the more we slept, the bigger the need for sleep was... So, even though I basically slept through the entire Sunday, I am now much more relaxed and I am ready to start the week! Gotta go! I am gonna take a long bath and then go back to sleep :))!

Have a wonderful week!


Skirt: Koton
Sweater: H&M
Necklace: Pull&Bear
Clutch: Musette
Boots: Mango

In celebratory mood

 I know that my photos don't actually scream "Happy holidays", but Christmas is knocking at our doors, people. Yesterday, at the Mall, 5 out of 10 stores I visited were playing Christmas carols. I turned on my car radio and there she was, Mariah Carey, saying all she wanted for Christmas was me... Our city center is also quite festive already, with lights and decorations waiting to be turned on... Last weekend I made cinnamon rolls... And it's only mid November. As holiday signs continued to pop everywhere I went, I couldn't help but wonder: is it a bit early for Christmas? Or is it merely our sweet, always helpful marketing making  us understand that the earlier we get out head round Christmas, the earlier we'll get out presents/food/ outfits shopping done?!?



Dress: H&M
Sweater: H&M
Boots: Mango
Necklace: H&M

Weekend highlights

 Hi guys,

After being trapped in a grey, foggy city for a whole week, it was great to finally see the sun during the weekend. On Saturday, I woke up happy and relaxed. My bedroom was filled with sunlight, my parents were about to arrive (yeeeey, home cooked food), I had no particular plans for the day, I would just be lazy and spoiled! This was my idea of a perfect Saturday and it turn out great!

My boyfriend and I started a little tradition, that lasted for a week. We recently went to see The Hobbit-Desolation of Smaug (which was awesoooome), and we thought it was a good idea to watch Lord of the rings all over again, having a different perspective on the plot and the characters. We split the trilogy into smaller parts, so we watched it over an entire week. We finished it on Saturday evening and I kinda miss the whole adventure, laying on the living room floor with nachos and beer, building my own little cinema in the comfort of my own home :).

Luckily, it won't be long before we'll be doing the same things all over again. Game of Thrones returns on April with a new season, so there are only 4 months left! Send a raven :)! Is it weird that I'm so excited?

I wish you all a wonderful week!



Dress (worn as skirt): Massimo Dutti (old)
Denim shirt: H&M
Sweater: H&M
Shoes: H&M
Neclace: Zara

Hot summer days

 Hi guys,

Summer is really hot here in Romania. I cannot believe I'm actually saying this, but I'm glad that I have to go to work really early in the morning, because otherwise I would melt to death :)). If I was somewhere on a beach, a cold bear in my hand and the breeze through my hair, this kind of weather would be perfect. But right now I'm not having any fun sweating like a pig, always feeling dirty, sticky and gross...

Anyways, moving on to today's post, it is a perfect display of my love for dresses. I adore this dress because it's so comfortable and has such a lovely, subtle print. And that touch of green makes for a beautiful contrast. For me, this is a perfect example of a light, airy summer dress.



Dress: Mario by Marius Musat
Shoes: Massimo Dutti
Clutch: Esprit
Bracelet: Meli Melo

Teen wolf

 Hello guys,

Hope you had an amazing week so far. For me, the weekend starts tomorrow. I asked my boss for a day off on Friday, as I'm planning to go to the mountains for what I hope will be the last snowboarding trip this year. As much as I came to enjoy winter sports, I'm desperately looking forward for spring...And tomorow is supposed to be the first day of spring (yeeey!).

On a different note, I'm planning to get a haircut of some sort, nothing too extreme, maybe even change the color of my hair...My winter depression kept me far away from the hairdresser and I'm now realizing that my hair looks awful. We'll see how that goes...I hope I don't end up with this crazy haircut :)) I'm pretty weak when it comes to suggestions about what my hairdresser "thinks" would look great on me...I go over there with a certain idea of how my hair should look like, and end up with a totally different hairstyle :).

I'll keep you posted!



Sweater: Zara
Shirt: Pull&Bear
Jeans: Mango
Bag: Bata
Shoes: via Leonardo

Cheers to the freakin' weekend

 Boy, did this weekend go by really fast, or what...?

Yesterday evening I almost had a panic attack at the thought that a new week was about to begin...I really need a break form work, from Bucharest... My boyfriend and I were planning to take our folks on a little trip next weekend, which was also meant to calm my nerves :)), but our plans might be brutally put to rest...We wanted to go to this nice, quiet place on the shore of Vidraru Lake, but since Transfagarasan was all over the news this past weekend (Cars stuck in snow, in Septermeber! Really, winter?!?) we might need to change our plans and maybe go to Brasov or Sinaia...

It doesn't really matter where we go, as long as I leave for the weekend. When car horns wake me up at 6 am,  not even  letting my poor alarm clock do its pathetic job, it's an obvious sign that I need to escape from this noisy town!

Wish me luck!



Shirt: Koton
Necklace: Promod
Skirt: H&M
Boots: Mango
Earings: gifted

Color Me Pretty

 Hi guys,

Thank God tomorrow is Thursday and the weekend is rapidly approaching... My week went from bad to worse yesterday, when I was diagnosed with laryngitis! Oh joy! I went to work in the morning feeling a bit under the weather, and by noon I was a walking zombie :))...I was like: Damnit! I'm sick! I was having a terrible headache, I was extremely hoarse, my nose was literally dripping...I was a mess. I went to the doctor's office and he prescribed a billion drugs, so now I'm feeling a little bit better.  

Still, I'm not quite my usual self yet, I'm still a bit hoarse (which btw annoys me to death since I usually am very loud and opinionated and I loooove to talk), I have trouble breathing-especially at night and I cough.

You'll have to trust me when I say: I'm not a pleasant sick person! Honestly! So, for the sake of everybody around me, both at work and at home (yeah, boyfriend, I'm talking about should be scared!), let's just hope I'll get better soon.



Shirt: Promod
Skirt: thrifted
Shoes: H&M
Cluch: Zara (Eli's)
Necklace: Promod

Etno Chic

 Hello guys,

It's such a beautiful Sunday, nice sunny weather, perfect for long walks in the park, yet I'm absolutely numb :). I've waited so long for Spring to come, and now that it's finally here, I'm paralyzed...It might have to do with the fact that I've come to hate Sundays...I don't feel like Sundays are part of the week-end anymore. Knowing that the next day I have to wake up really early and start yet another wonderful (NOT) week at work annoys  me to bits.

Above all, I just took my boyfriend to the airport, he will be spending an entire week in Wien for some workshops and I'm all alone and sad :(.

Luckily, I will be joining him on Friday (Yeeeeey). He was supposed to be in Austria until Friday but he decided to stay the weekend, and he also bought me tickets as a birthday surprise present...awwww!

So I really have to cheer up and get ready for my mini holiday! Let's hope the weather stays this way because if I see any signs of  rain, let alone snow...I think I'm gonna loose it :))!

Have a wonderful week, guys!



Sweater: Zara
Shirt: H&M
Necklace: Promod
Skirt: Zara
Boots: Mango
Bag: Meli Melo (old)

                                                                     Varius outfit

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