
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Mon Cherries

new is always better

 Today was the last day of my current work. I look forward to the new job I'll start in June, but at the same time feel kind of sad. Even the weather doesn't help me - it's raining all day. 
I'll have a week off now and starting next Monday I begin my new job. According to my one and only rule - new is always better! I'm so excited! 

Today's photos are the continuation of London series. Enjoy.

Jacket: ASOS
Turtleneck: Gatta
Skirt: ZARA
Tights: Atmosphere
Asymmetric heels: Mohito
Belt: Orsay
Necklace: Promod

Autumn camouflage

 Babcia zawsze powtarzała, że najwięcej ciepła człowiek traci przez głowę. Zweryfikować twierdzenie nie będzie mi dane, bo nigdy przenigdy nie zrezygnuję z czapek, beretów, toczków i kapeluszy - uwielbiam je wszystkie! I nie dbam o to, czy mi pasują czy nie - wystarczy, że dobrze się w nich czuję. 

Tak samo nie dbam o to, że wedle analizy kolorystycznej powinnam unikać brązów i beży, bo to kolory pani-jesieni. Ponoć. A ja jestem panią-zimą. Ponoć. Ile sobie robię z tych rad? Widać na załączonych obrazkach. Z jakim skutkiem? Widać na załączonych obrazkach ;) 

Poza wszelkiej maści nakryciami głowy nieodłącznym elementem jesieni są dla mnie również skórzane płaszcze. Vintage, z duszą. Mam takie dwa - czarny i rudobrązowy - po mamie. Pamiętam, jak jeszcze jako dzieciak, wykłócałam się z mamą, żeby ich nie wyrzucała. Z ust mamy padało w ich kierunku wiele niepochlebnych epitetów. Twierdziła, że to stare, zniszczone (zniszczone??) szmaty, które tylko zagracają szafę, a ich czas dawno już minął. Jak bardzo się myliła okazało się, gdy wkroczyłam w wiek licealny - wtedy w ruch poszła czarna wersja przegrywająca dziś z rudobrązową. Trzeba przyznać, że obie są już nadgryzione zębem czasu i jest to widoczne, ale moim zdaniem dodaje im to charakteru. I jestem pewna, że zrezygnuję z nich dopiero, gdy ze starości rozpadną się na kawałki. Moi rówieśnicy :) 

kapelusz: H&M
płaszcz: vintage
spódnica: stradivarius
bluzka: H&M (sh)
szalik, rękawiczki, rajstopy: no name
torebka: bazar w Tunezji :) 
buty: new look
biżuteria: no name, lilou, apart
zegarek: dkny 

hat: H&M
coat: vintage
skirt: stradivarius
blouse: H&M (sh)
scarf, gloves, tights: no name
bag: bazzar in Tunis :)
shoes: new look 
jawlery: no name, lilou, apart
watch: dkny 

only donuts matter today!

 Fat Thursday is a traditional Polish feast that begins on the last week of Carnival. These day is dedicated to eating large quantities of sweets forbidden during Lent, especially donuts. That's why I call that day as The Donut's Day :)
In the past Fat Thursday was a day when people celebrated the end of winter and the beginning of spring. That day people used to eat and drink a lot, mainly meat dishes and wine. During Fat Thursday people also used to eat donuts, but not this type we know - their donuts were filled with lard! Sound disgusting, doesn't it? Sweet donuts filled with rose or marmalade have been eaten starting from XVI c. 
I ate 4 donuts so far - but that's just the beginning. I have whole long day to break the record.


Płaszcz (coat): ZARA
Spódnica (skirt): tally weijl 
Bluzka (blouse): Atmosphere
Szalik (scarf): H&M
Paski (belts): New Yorker (różowy/pink), sh (wężowy/snake)
Buty: Ryłko
Torba (bag): Nine West
Rękawiczki (gloves), rajstopy (tights), biżuteria (jewlery): no name

Neons for autumn

 I’ve chosen a difficult time to launch my blog. Late autumn is not the best time for taking photos. It’s dark both before and after work. And as if it wasn’t enough it’s cold the whole day. Yep, it’s not good time for blogging. But on the other hand if I’ll persist the winter time it will be only better and easier. 
Meanwhile, in order to deal with the grey and gloomy weather, I put on colors. Usually I combine only one colored item, (max two) with neutral rest. But this time I wear total colored outfit – cobalt mixed with rich green. First I thought these colors don’t match together but after a while it looked ok to me. 
When it comes to outfit’s items I need to say briefly about the coat. Although I didn’t need a new coat (I even didn’t have a space in my wardrobe for it) I bought this one in H&M. For 25 euros (50 euros off) it was a steal.

Coat: H&M
Dress: Dorothy Perkins
Belts: second hand
Heels: ZARA
Shoes decoration: gloss shoes
Gloves, bag, earring: no name
Necklace with ring - found in the Pacific Ocean during holiday on Big Island Hawaii (seriously)
Umbrella: Ikea 


 I love red colour. No matter what is in – pastels, burgundy, caramel – I prefer red. Whenever I go shopping my attention is attracted to things in this colour.

Photos below were taken in Paris – in the park near the hotel we were staying. On the last two you can see umbrella that I’ve bought in Paris. I decided to buy this practical souvenir after I got wet during sightseeing in Versailles. It was bought in Pylones store. I don’t know if this brand is popular all over the world (I didn’t know it before) but in Paris it really is. If you have time visit their website: (kilk). They offer great, colourfull and funny stuff. The umbrellas were in different colours but (of course) I chose the red one. 

In Poland it’s a rainy day today, so this post is good for the moment. 

Sukienka (dress): Solar
Buty (hells): Mohito
Torebka (clutch): no name
Naszyjnik z zegarkiem (necklace with watch): stary, nakręcany marki Czajka wylicytowany na e-bay (old, manually, wound watch that I've bought on e-bay)
Płaszcz (coat): Allegro
Okulary (glasses): CK
Parasolka (umbrella): Pylones

royal blue

 Is it true that tights in colors different than nude or black are childish? Or is it true that monochromatic outfits are strange? I don't care. For me, as far as fashion is concerned only one statement is true: catch as catch can. So you shouldn't be surprised by my todays outfit - with dress and tights in cobalt. I was wearing them during visiting Regent's Park in London. Royal blue for royal gardens - perfect matching. BTW, Regent's Park is beautiful - if you could visit only one in this city I strongly recommend this one.

Trench coat, flats: ZARA
Dress: Reserved
Jewelry: ZARA, no name

pastel me with Big Ben

 Finally I got photos I took in London over and done with. This way the upcoming photos will have not Warsaw but London in the background. Today first shoot with Big Ben - I was wearing mint pants, colorful sweater and new heels that I bought for me as a reward. For what? I will tell you next time :) 

Trench coat, mint jeans, heels: ZARA
Sweater: Jackpot
Belt: vintage
Scarf: sh

to be like Dita von Teese

 In today's post I'd like to show you my second gift from Vedette, i.e. waist cincher. To be honest it's an underwear but it's so nice and elegant that you can wear it as an accessory. In my opinion it looks especially good combined with elegant shirt.
Below you can find two propositions how to wear waist cincher, but not as an underwear - rather as a clothing element, one for a day, the other for a night. Each time you'll have an hourglass figure like Dita von Teese.

                                                                         Some Outfit


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